Tuesday, September 29, 2009

We ride the E-Ride.

So last night started off ordinary. It all started with a very long PhiLamb meeting and a game of "Two Truths and a Lie." Normal. Then the usual "second dinner" occured. Again, normal. I had cereal, like usual, and got my bubble bursted, like usual, when the milkshake machine still wasnt working. Normal. (which is why i WILL be running for VP of the Food Advisory Committee. we just want our milkshakes!)(i need a campaign slogan if anyones creative). So, the night was still normal. No green skies or barking cats or kangaroos walking backward. All normal. (***Kangaroos are the only 4 legged mammal that cant walk backwards***) So dinner was over and we were getting ready to leave and get back to homework, and/or E News in my case. One thing led to another and me and Josie found ourselves on the left hand side, third row of the E-Ride. That is when i knew it would be a night to remember. Little info on the E-Ride- you can call anytime from 9 pm to 2 am and they will pick you up in a cute little short bus and take you wherever you want to go. Cool right? So it is usually for drunk or lazy people. But we took it because of pure safety reasons, well and a little bit of laziness. Plus, we needed a little adventure. So the E-Ride. We get on, find a seat, and relax into our super comfie, flu covered bus seats. Were the only Caucasians on the bus, so that kinda took away some of the normalcy as well since we had just had dinner with 7 fellow Caucasians.Then Edward hit the gas and we were off. Not gonna lie, I was kind of scared. So I've never been good at talking quietly . I just have aloud voice that carries and I cant help it. And when your on a bus, late a night, with a bunch of strangers, its not good to have a loud voice. So we kind of stood out even more. Im sure they loved our conversations though. Which by the way...The average English conversation uses about 150 words per minute. Betcha didnt know that. So me and Josie were about 1000 words into our E-Ride, and we find ourself in the ghetto. NOT on campus like we were supposed to be. Then i started getting worried. This is about the time that Josie begain explaining to me how handy the E-Ride really is. Turns out that you can pay a little and they will drive you all the way to San Antonio! (were doing it real soon.) And as Josie noted, its even better if the driver is cute, because your stuck with him for 4 hours. So we hope to get lucky. Edward wasnt too bad, we wont complain about him. The E-Ride finally pulled up to my stop, so i had to get off and leave Josie on the bus alone until it got to her stop. I felt horrible. But she made it back safely, and we are currently planning next weeks E-Ride trip. Which leads to fact of the day- On average 25 million children ride a school bus each day. And that doesnt even include all of the E-Rider's out there. The bus was introduced in 1662 by Pascal. I have no idea why they didnt put that little tidbit in any of our science books. Oh well. And thanks to him, we had a fantastic night experiencing a little bit of Denton that not many people get to see.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Happy Hallows Eve

My sweet mom always mails me packages with some of the most unqiue, random things. She really takes care packages to a whole new level. You might get laudry quarters, food and socks- well i get holiday related toys, card games, candy that most 5 year olds dream of having (perfect for me) and in the lastest package, a pumkin. Pete now sits on my bathroom sink as a constant reminder of the upcoming holiday. So as i was brushing my teeth earlier, I realized that Halloween was in 32 days and 9 hours (approximately) and i really know nothing about the holiday except that candy is involved and that way too many Hannah Montana wigs will be sold. So, i did some research. Before I go further- its Googles 11th birthday week. So make sure to acknowledge that. Ok, so Halloween. Turns out it was originally called All Hallows Eve 2000 years ago. How that turned into Halloween I have no idea. Probably because a cute little kid dressed up as a ninja turtle didnt like saying Happy All Hallows Eve. And also b/c the Pagans named it that, and my fact book says that they werent a smart group. So it was believed that on Hallows Eve, ghosts would fly around town, so the smart Pagans would put on masks so they wouldnt be recognized by the ghosts. And that is the beginning of Halloween. I had two "favorites" on Halloween- the huge parties my parents used to have, and counting and dividing my candy at the end of the night. I would pour it all out and organize it by type of candy, and then by popularity and divide it into bowls. Yes, I was a nerdy kid. But I dont think I ever picked up on the fact that I most likely had more Snickers than any other candy. Because- That is the most popular selling candy during Halloween. And, one fourth of all candy bought in America during the year is purchased from the beginning to end of September. Few more Hallows Eve facts for ya- there are about 106 million houses that participate in trick or treating in America. And i always thought that going to 200 houses was alot..whatever. The biggest pumpkin EVER weighed 1667 pounds. So i looked into that b/c i would love to know how many seeds were in that, but of course Google cant answer that question for me.
So now as i get ready each morning and see Pete sitting there, i dont have to wonder anymore about Halloween.
By the way, thanks for the pumpkin mom.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

All thanks to the Sumerians.

So this whole blog thing- completely foreign to me. And not a good kind of foreign like Venice, but a bad kind of foreign like those 6 inch long ants in Africa. So intimidating! Ive never really considered myself to be the blogging type. The artsy, think outside of the box type of people are right for the job- not me. But here I am. All thanks to some great (and very persuasive) friends. It all started as i forced some girls to listen to yet another one of the random facts that fills up my head. If i want to be honest- I have a problem. While everyone else facebook creeps and does homework, I sit and read "Fact-O-Pedia: A Collection of 1000 Things You'll Never Need to Know!" At least ten minutes of every day are spent flipping through the alphabetically organized pages reading some of the coolest things. And then I proceed to get on Google, and do some further research about the useless facts that i previously read. Every single day i do this. Problem? Yeah. But it makes my day. So now, Liz has named me "the human google." I share most of the facts i learn, but alot of them i also save in my head for more useful times- like when i want to impress someone, or seem somewhat intelligent, or even sometimes when i have that desperate urge to stand out as the complete loser of the group...yeah. So now- back to the useless fact that led to this very blog. It all started with the ancient Sumerians. Ive never really known anything at all about them. Actually, I had never even heard of the Sumerians before i read their ridiculous fact. Turns out that the ancient Sumerians were the most awesomely creative group of people when it came to birth control. Life wasnt easy back then. They couldnt take a pill each morning and be baby-free. So, they put their heads together and came up with a brillinat idea- balls of opium. Yes, the drug. So the lady Sumerians would take the opium, roll it into nice little balls (im not sure how little- ive yet to find that on google) and insert it into themself before having that nice, romantic night with their husband. Im assuming they were married. The book didnt specify that either. So this opium would act as birth control. But thats not the end. It would also make them very high and very loopy. All of this combined makes for one fantastic night for both man and woman. (im assuming). So at PhiLamb pledge meeting the other night, my mind ventured off and it turned into "megan tell random fact" time. And that was the first fact I shared with my skeptical audience. And now, I'm blogging.