Thursday, October 22, 2009

our adventure took us to Ellen, and 48 missed calls.

Tuesday was just another normal day for Josie and myself. Normal for us being, weird, a failure, and hopeless.
It started with a pitiful little turtle just trying to cross the road. We were headed for the art museum (yayyy) in Fort Worth for Josies art project. Within the first 5 minutes of driving not only do we manage to get lost, but we almost hit a little baby turtle that was crossing the road. He was cute. So we get goin the right way and finally make it to the museum. Well after many annoying detours because of all of the construction. Now i need to back up for a sec.

We love Ellen. Like love love love Ellen. So when Ellen tweeted that she was doing a huge prize giveaway in Dallas on Tuesday, we were all over it. But we somehow had to figure out how to be at the art museum by 500 and at Ellen by 530. It was tricky. That was the beginning of our adventure.
So the museum. we get there at 430 and quietly walk in. this adorable old guy was sitting at the counter staring at us as we opened the door. Its no surprise that museums cost money, so we kinda looked around for some place to pay. but there wasnt one. so josie awkwardly asked the guy if we could "just walk in?" and he rudely said "yes." it was awkward, but step 1- done. now on to finding a art piece and sketching it. but all we could think about was the fact that we were missing ellen, so art wasnt all that important. so what does josie do? she takes pictures of the old vase with monsters on it. she took pictures of the art, in the museum, with the guards ten feet away. i was dying. i just knew that the guard was going to come grab us by the arms and walk us down the stairs and throw us out the door. but somehow that didnt happen.
now to ellen! we finish breaking the law at the musuem, and run out to the car to hurry to get to ellen. did i mention that we love ellen? ellen said that we had to be there by 530 to enter the contest, and after plugging the location into the gps, we were harshly told by the gps that the estimated arrival time was 5:32. of course. thats how everything me and josie do turns out. now talk about two very anxious people. our hearts were racing and all we could think about was proving the gps wrong and getting there by 5:30. it was intense. but....

we didnt. nope, 5:36 was our arrival time. just more proof that everything we do is a failure. it used to be sad , but now we just laugh. but its ok, because in the end we made it on national television!! no, we didnt get there by 5:30 to enter the contest, no we didnt get to win the car, no we didnt get picked by the camera guy to stand up front, yes i did step on a bush that made me fall 4 feet down which attracted eveyones attention, and no, we didnt even win the free underwear. but that was all expected- because it was a megan and josie adventure. but yes we were on Wednesdays episode of Ellen. seriously.

so then we got hungry. youd be hungry too if you almost hit a turtle, broke the law at a museum, rushed to beat the gps, and stood in jealousy for 2 hours while other people got to win a car. so dinner time!! now Ellen chose to do this giveaway in the ghetto. so obviously, we wanted to get out of the ghetto before choosing a food place. which led to Pappacitos. we enjoyed some good food and a very funny 50 year old Latino gay guy waiter. ive never heard someone say "oh my god" as well as he did. and he gave us plenty of as he called "water on the rocks". our day, like all other good days, had to end. as we were leaving dinner, i grab my phone out of my purse to check it. and WOW. i had 48 missed calls, 6 texts, and 2 voicemails. all from my parents and good friends. everyone knew we were in the ghetto, so when we never answered our phones they started worrying. well, my mom started worrying, which led everyone else to worry. thanks mom. ive never had 48 missed calls within a hour time period before. it was ridiculous. but all in all, it was a great adventurous day. and here are pictures from our national tv experience!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Thank You Mr.Edison

Not to brag or anything, but i was always the smart kid in elementary school. I was the kid that you went home and complained to your parents about because I always showed the teacher that it was in fact very managable to do 10 pages of homework in one hour. I got all the 100's, I was the teachers favorite, and I truly loved going to school every day to see what i could learn. But along with that smartness came some skepticism. Which has led me to be who i am today. Whenever I learn something, I briefly wonder if it is indeed true or not, and why. So back to elementary school. Thomas Edison. sound familiar? let me guess- you think he created the lightbulb. yeah i was taught that too. but at that point, i wasnt aware of the awesomeness of google, nor did i have my Fact Book. So i believe that he was the first person to invent the electric lightbulb. well ive made it this far believing that, and i am finally stopping. take a deep breath. and take this in slowly b/c it will alter everything you have ever learned.

Thomas Edison was in fact NOT the first person to invent a source of light. That award actually goes to my good friend Sir Humphrey Davy. in 1809 he used a battery and some wires and some other stuff i really dont care about, hooked them all up, andd...a lamp was created! kinda different from a lightbulb, yes, but still. I think Humphrey should get some credit too!

I do still love Edison though. Not enough to name my first baby after him, but enough to give him a spot in my blog. He did do some other fantastic things in his life. He patented 1,093 things during his career. Props to anyone that has that much time. My favorite- he patented a way to preserve fruit. and thank goodness for that. also, Edison was resposible for creating the first tattoo machine. So, when you wake up after a very long, unrememberable, yet unforgettable night, with a permanent reminder of the night before, you can think Thomas Edison for that blaring inkspot on your body. But dont get mad at Thomas for that- rather feel bad for him. At the age of 3 he was kicked out of school because his teachers said he was too dumb. So him mom had to homeschool him. So maybe she should get the credit for some of those patents as well. Who knows.

But thank you Thomas Edison for giving me a way to preserve fruit. I will always remember you for that.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Megan + Josie= huge failure.

Sundays are my favorite day of the week. Church always starts off the day, and it is one of the best constant reminders of how blessed I am with the community of people in my life. So thats great. And then is the always traditional lunch after followed by a whole entire afternoon of sitting on my butt doing absolutely NOTHING. and yes, i deserve it. and then my Sundays always end perfectly with a episode of Kourtney and Khloe. So i woke up today looking forward to yet another awesomely great Sunday. So church comes. Before the story can go on- its important to explain how much of a people watcher/analyzer i am. I think one of my all time favorite things to do is to sit somewhere and watch people. look at what theyre wearing, who theyre with, creepily listen in on their conversations, etc. It could probably be added to my personal list of problems that will prevent me from ever getting married. But im really good at it and I really enjoy watching people, so I will probably never stop. So anyways, for the last few weeks this guy (cute might i add) has sat all by himself on the end of the 2nd row at church. And so for the last few weeks, ive noticed him sitting there alone w/o any friends or anything. Which is sad! But im not an iniator, so ive never done anything about it. Well, that all changed today. We saw that this cute boy was sitting alone again and decided that today was the day to do something about it. So me and Joise get up, leave our spots in the middle of our row between all of our friends, and proceed to slowly and hesitantly walk across to where he's sitting. now the plan was to ask if anyone was sitting in the two empty spots next to him, wait for him to say "why no, no one is sitting here", and then we would sit down there and befriend this cute guy in a black button down. (last week he had a dark red one on). So we ask if the seats are available, and he gets up to let us walk past him to sit down in the empy seats. Step 1- Complete!
So of course at this point were halfway done with our goal- now we just have to talk to him, introduce ourselves, and take care of the fact that he always sits alone. This is alot harder than it seems by the way. Well right before we are about to start talking, what does he do? He gets up! He got up, and sat down two rows back next to a guy that had just arrived that he knew. Where had this guy been the last 3 weeks?!? Whatever. He got up, moved away, completely ruined our goal, and left us feeling like huge failures.I want to know what was going through his head! did he think we were weird? did he think we looked like aliens? is he a really shy guy so we intimidated him? or was he sad that he had to leave his spot next to us to go sit wiht he friend? regardless, it totally put a dent in my perfect Sunday.
I try to always find the positives in any situation though, so here are the good things that came from our lame situation: closer seat to the stage, a good laugh, finally a answer to why we are single and will be single for who knows how long, and we got to sit next to the most precious old lady that had the cutest laugh. It is going to take a long time to recover from this one though. We are huge failures in life. Its embarrassing.
Lesson learned- never be nice ever again!
no not really. the true lesson is that if there is a cute boy in a black button down sitting alone without any friends, he really isnt as pitiful as he looks. He is just a disguised reminder of how lame and how much of a failure your life is. SO STAY AWAY!
now, next week if he sits in that same spot and has a different color button down on, maybe we will re-try? who knows.