Friday, October 16, 2009

Thank You Mr.Edison

Not to brag or anything, but i was always the smart kid in elementary school. I was the kid that you went home and complained to your parents about because I always showed the teacher that it was in fact very managable to do 10 pages of homework in one hour. I got all the 100's, I was the teachers favorite, and I truly loved going to school every day to see what i could learn. But along with that smartness came some skepticism. Which has led me to be who i am today. Whenever I learn something, I briefly wonder if it is indeed true or not, and why. So back to elementary school. Thomas Edison. sound familiar? let me guess- you think he created the lightbulb. yeah i was taught that too. but at that point, i wasnt aware of the awesomeness of google, nor did i have my Fact Book. So i believe that he was the first person to invent the electric lightbulb. well ive made it this far believing that, and i am finally stopping. take a deep breath. and take this in slowly b/c it will alter everything you have ever learned.

Thomas Edison was in fact NOT the first person to invent a source of light. That award actually goes to my good friend Sir Humphrey Davy. in 1809 he used a battery and some wires and some other stuff i really dont care about, hooked them all up, andd...a lamp was created! kinda different from a lightbulb, yes, but still. I think Humphrey should get some credit too!

I do still love Edison though. Not enough to name my first baby after him, but enough to give him a spot in my blog. He did do some other fantastic things in his life. He patented 1,093 things during his career. Props to anyone that has that much time. My favorite- he patented a way to preserve fruit. and thank goodness for that. also, Edison was resposible for creating the first tattoo machine. So, when you wake up after a very long, unrememberable, yet unforgettable night, with a permanent reminder of the night before, you can think Thomas Edison for that blaring inkspot on your body. But dont get mad at Thomas for that- rather feel bad for him. At the age of 3 he was kicked out of school because his teachers said he was too dumb. So him mom had to homeschool him. So maybe she should get the credit for some of those patents as well. Who knows.

But thank you Thomas Edison for giving me a way to preserve fruit. I will always remember you for that.

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