Sunday, October 4, 2009

Megan + Josie= huge failure.

Sundays are my favorite day of the week. Church always starts off the day, and it is one of the best constant reminders of how blessed I am with the community of people in my life. So thats great. And then is the always traditional lunch after followed by a whole entire afternoon of sitting on my butt doing absolutely NOTHING. and yes, i deserve it. and then my Sundays always end perfectly with a episode of Kourtney and Khloe. So i woke up today looking forward to yet another awesomely great Sunday. So church comes. Before the story can go on- its important to explain how much of a people watcher/analyzer i am. I think one of my all time favorite things to do is to sit somewhere and watch people. look at what theyre wearing, who theyre with, creepily listen in on their conversations, etc. It could probably be added to my personal list of problems that will prevent me from ever getting married. But im really good at it and I really enjoy watching people, so I will probably never stop. So anyways, for the last few weeks this guy (cute might i add) has sat all by himself on the end of the 2nd row at church. And so for the last few weeks, ive noticed him sitting there alone w/o any friends or anything. Which is sad! But im not an iniator, so ive never done anything about it. Well, that all changed today. We saw that this cute boy was sitting alone again and decided that today was the day to do something about it. So me and Joise get up, leave our spots in the middle of our row between all of our friends, and proceed to slowly and hesitantly walk across to where he's sitting. now the plan was to ask if anyone was sitting in the two empty spots next to him, wait for him to say "why no, no one is sitting here", and then we would sit down there and befriend this cute guy in a black button down. (last week he had a dark red one on). So we ask if the seats are available, and he gets up to let us walk past him to sit down in the empy seats. Step 1- Complete!
So of course at this point were halfway done with our goal- now we just have to talk to him, introduce ourselves, and take care of the fact that he always sits alone. This is alot harder than it seems by the way. Well right before we are about to start talking, what does he do? He gets up! He got up, and sat down two rows back next to a guy that had just arrived that he knew. Where had this guy been the last 3 weeks?!? Whatever. He got up, moved away, completely ruined our goal, and left us feeling like huge failures.I want to know what was going through his head! did he think we were weird? did he think we looked like aliens? is he a really shy guy so we intimidated him? or was he sad that he had to leave his spot next to us to go sit wiht he friend? regardless, it totally put a dent in my perfect Sunday.
I try to always find the positives in any situation though, so here are the good things that came from our lame situation: closer seat to the stage, a good laugh, finally a answer to why we are single and will be single for who knows how long, and we got to sit next to the most precious old lady that had the cutest laugh. It is going to take a long time to recover from this one though. We are huge failures in life. Its embarrassing.
Lesson learned- never be nice ever again!
no not really. the true lesson is that if there is a cute boy in a black button down sitting alone without any friends, he really isnt as pitiful as he looks. He is just a disguised reminder of how lame and how much of a failure your life is. SO STAY AWAY!
now, next week if he sits in that same spot and has a different color button down on, maybe we will re-try? who knows.

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